Lego and games night – All ages
Lego and games night – All ages
Please join us for an all ages Lego and game night on the first Friday of the month. Please bring a non-perishable food item to donate to the church's food pantry.
Please join us for an all ages Lego and game night on the first Friday of the month. Please bring a non-perishable food item to donate to the church's food pantry.
We will be meeting at new location Horizons Unlimited Art Studio We will go around and introduce ourselves by name , pronouns , and any other info you want to share .the meeting doesn’t have much structure other than we all try to give each other time to talk , respect each others beliefs […]
We will be meeting at new location Horizons Unlimited Art Studio We will go around and introduce ourselves by name , pronouns , and any other info you want to share .the meeting doesn’t have much structure other than we all try to give each other time to talk , respect each others beliefs […]
Join us for an adult game and craft night in the community room at the GIANT in Camp Hill! The community room is located on the second floor above the cafe.
Join us for a day of fun and celebration at the New Cumberland Pride Picnic. Hosted by the New Cumberland Collective Co. We will be set up at the pavilion by the creek with -Our calm down tent -Donation based family friendly concession food (hot dogs, chips,etc) -Our merchandise and fidget toys -Free Crafts & […]
This is a virtual adult group hosted by River. During this meeting is a great time to talk about struggles or joys that a neuro-typical individual might not understand. We share stories, tips and tools ! Or you can sit quietly and watch! We don’t have any requirements or fees and we usually interrupt and […]
Join us for a day of fun and celebration at the 32nd annual Pride Festival of Central PA Hosted by Central PA Pride. We will be set up there with our.... -Our calm down tent -Our merchandise and fidget toys -Free giveaways & More For a full list of information about the event […]