Please join us for an all ages Lego and game night on the first Friday of the month. Please bring a non-perishable food item to donate to the church's food pantry.
Join us for our bi weekly caregiver and parent meeting. Your child can be of any age and diagnosed with any Neurodivergent Brain style . This group is Led by Leann Firestone an autistic adult , parent , and director of Neurodiverse Network. Sign in any time from 7-9pm. Teams meeting link
Join us for an adult game and craft night in the community room at the GIANT in Camp Hill! The community room is located on the second floor above the cafe.
Join us for our bi weekly caregiver and parent meeting. Your child can be of any age and diagnosed with any Neurodivergent Brain style . This group is Led by Leann Firestone an autistic adult , parent , and director of Neurodiverse Network. Sign in any time from 7-9pm. Teams meeting link
This is a virtual adult group hosted by River. During this meeting is a great time to talk about struggles or joys that a neuro-typical individual might not understand. We share stories, tips and tools ! Or you can sit quietly and watch! We don’t have any requirements or fees and we usually interrupt and […]
Join us for a support group for Neurodivergent Adults at the Fredrickson Camphill public library. This is a peer led support group hosted by autistic adults. We will share advice, resources , and more! We will be in the small meeting room. You can enter through the 1st floor entrance and the room is to […]
Join us for a sensory friendly egg hunt & more! There will be a sensory friendly photo op with the Easter bunny and some live chickens! Go inside to check out the crafts, Lego and snack area. Please fill out the form below to register. Registration Form
Join us for our bi weekly caregiver and parent meeting. Your child can be of any age and diagnosed with any Neurodivergent Brain style . This group is Led by Leann Firestone an autistic adult , parent , and director of Neurodiverse Network. Sign in any time from 7-9pm. Teams meeting link
Please join us for an all ages Lego and game night on the first Friday of the month. Please bring a non-perishable food item to donate to the church's food pantry.